Form designer: Number input visual component

The Number input component is intended for user input of numbers.
Number input
The main properties are in the "number" group:

  • "number".Value - contains the number displayed by the component
  • "number".Min - the minimum possible number that the user can enter
  • "number".Max - the maximum possible number that the user can enter
  • "number".Step - step of the number change with up/down arrows

In the "number"."font" subgroup, you can set the font of the component.

How to set a variable in the data source with the value entered by the user

A task:

There is a data source configuration in which the variable is defined. It is necessary that the user can change it through the web interface.


  1. You need to make sure that the setting "External write capability" is set for the variable in the configuration
  2. Put the visual components WNumberInput and WButton on the form.
  3. Open the logic designer for the button
    3.1 Move logical components from the palette to the logic designer and arrange them from top to bottom: MouseEvent, GetProperty, AdvSetProperty, SetRemoteValue and connect them sequentially with arrows
    3.3 Set up GetProperty: properties "get property".Name: select "WNumberInput1", "get property".Property: select "number.Value"
    3.4 Set up SetProperty: properties "set property".Property: select " remote value.New remote value", "get property".Value: select "WGetProperty1"
    3.5 Set up SetRemoteValue: In "action"."tag to set" group of properties choose the required tag with a variable from within the configuration tree. Adjust "Show status popup" and "Show confirmation" - you can select wheter to display the command sending progress or should a confirmation be asked before sending the command.

Below is a screenshot of the button logic designer
Logic designer remote value